Aalto University starts 7th Framework Programme project on personalized cultural experience in urban environments
← Back to press releasesInvent Baltics assisted Aalto University in preparing a successful proposal CultAR to the 7th Framework Programme Information and Communication Technologies call.
The Culturally Enhanced Augmented Realities project will develop an integrated mobile full mixed reality platform combining markerless augmented reality, mobile 3D maps and tactile systems for advanced context-aware personalized and digital cultural experience in urban environments. Advances in technology are verified and analyzed not just by technical benchmarking, but with both specialist analysis and on-location field experiments in Padua, Italy and Aalborg, Denmark.
In addition to Aalto University, the consortium brings together University of Helsinki, Graz University of Technology, Aalborg University, University of Padova, Comune di Padova and Ubiest S.p.a.
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