
Helsinki University started an FP7 ICT project MindSee

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A consortium of five organizations, led by the University of Helsinki (www.uh.fi), prepared a proposal to the FP7-ICT-2013 call under the Objective 2.1: Robotics, Cognitive Systems & Smart Spaces, Symbiotic Interaction.

The project focuses on fusing EEG as a main sensor with peripheral physiological sensors (EDR, fEMG, eye gaze and pupillometry) and context information for an unobtrusive acquisition of implicit measures of perception, cognition and emotions. Real-time estimates of these hidden user states will be exploited to complement keyboard and gestural input exemplary in the real-world application of scientific literature search where the information exploration of the user is guided by a co-adaptation with the computer.

The target application is a scientific literature search. The MindSee project will develop a new symbiotic information retrieval system capable of more than doubling the performance of information seeking in realistic tasks, compared to mainstream tools. MindSee symbiotic interaction will deliver solutions to increase productivity and creative potential. Several MindSee results are exploitable and applicable to other information seeking contexts beyond scientific literature search!

The consortium: University of Helsinki (Prof. Giulio Jacucci, FI), Technische Universität Berlin (DE), Aalto University (FI), i2media research limited (UK), University of Padova (IT).
EC contribution: 2,99 mln EUR
Duration: 01.10.2013-30.09.2016

Invent Baltics OÜ consulted the consortium in preparation of the proposal, during the negotiations and is still offering administrative consultancy services to the whole MindSee consortium.

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